The R Value in Spray Foam

There are a lot of things to consider when picking the type of insulation for your home, or commercial construction project. Even when you narrow it down to wanting spray foam there are still factors to consider. The R value of the insulation you choose is very important, the R value refers to the thermal resistance level, it measures the conductive heat flow.

To keep it simple, the R value is used to explain how well the material prevents heat from passing through it. So, the higher the R value, the higher the overall effectiveness of the material. Click here to view the Technical Data Sheet of our foam. 

Spray foam R value depends on the type of product you decide to go with. There is open-cell spray foam which is R-3.8 per inch. Then you have closed-cell spray foam which is between R-6 to R-7 per inch.

View this video for further information of the product we spray!

Closed-cell Spray foam insulation gives you the highest R value than most if not all other insulation options. With closer options like fiberglass blown-in coming in at R3.7-4.3 you can see how closed-cell is the go-to choice for saving $$ on energy bills in the long run. Great Canadian is always here to help with any questions about insulation.


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