Picking the Right Contractor

Just like any other project, you would want your spray foam to be completed by the best person for the job. Finding the right contractor is not as complicated as it may seem. Check out these great three tips, that you, as a homeowner or a project manager should consider when looking at contractors to hire.

1) Experience

Hiring someone with experience is a thing to take into account. You would not expect an intern to perform at the same level as an executive partner. At Great Canadian Insulation, we have over 30 years of experience on our team, so that you know whatever project you can throw at us, we will be able to get it done the right way.


Check out this video to see some of our work!

2) Reputation 

Reputable sources are everything, you don’t want to hire someone who has a bad reputation of doing a subpar job. Google reviews are a great way to figure this out, outside of relying on word of mouth. We at Great Canadian Insulation are proud to have a almost 5 Star rating on Google reviews. We provide a good reputable service, every day and every time, the Great Canadian way.


3) Certification? 

Spray foam installation has many regulatory requirements. It is important to know that your contractor is compliant with these requirements. Great Canadian Insulation is a Manitoba wide spray foam contractor, and we are certified by the Caliber Spray Foam Quality Assurance Program. Caliber is a recognized third-party organization accrediting ISO/IEC 17024 as a certification body and ISO/IEC 17020 accreditation as an inspection body. As a certified Winnipeg spray foam contractor, we are trained well and compliant with all regulatory requirements for installation, contracts, and disputes. If you're in Gimli, reach out to the Insulation Contractor of Gimli today. 


3 Types of Spray Foam Guns


The R Value in Spray Foam