Potential Problems With Improper Insulation Install

Spray foam

Spray foam is meant to create a barrier between your home and the outside temperatures. When installed properly, it does just that, but the key is proper installation. When spray foam is not properly installed to the required thickness, there will not be an air barrier that is created.

When the installer fails to create this air barrier, this lets air flow freely throughout the home. This makes the appliances of the home have to work overtime. Which in turn raises energy bills and creates bigger holes in your wallet which is something we don’t want.


Blown-in attic insulation can be an effective way to improve energy efficiency in your home, but there are potential problems to consider. Uneven coverage can create gaps and cold spots, while moisture problems can cause insulation to lose its effectiveness. Blown-in insulation can also be a fire hazard if it comes into contact with heat sources, and inadequate ventilation can lead to reduced air quality. Additionally, the insulation can make it difficult to access the attic for maintenance and repairs. To avoid these issues, it's important to choose a reputable contractor who can properly evaluate your attic, recommend the best insulation type, and ensure proper installation and safety measures.



Fibreglass just as spray foam is meant to protect your home from outside temperatures. It seems simple but it is not an easy or pretty job to do. Fiberglass has to be cut and installed in the exact dimensions of the cavity that it is meant to fill. If it is not cut to the exact dimensions then, through the gaps air can easily flow.

Just as with spray foam, if the air is allowed to freely flow throughout the house. The appliances in your home will have to work much harder to maintain the in-house temperature. Which no one wants, especially when it comes to the cold winter months.


Now there is always the option of going the DIY route, but as you have seen from a few of the possible problems that can go wrong. The best option will always be to go with an experienced contractor to take all that stress off of your back. That is what we are here for!


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