Spray Foam Myths Debunked

Spray Foam Is New and Is Untested

People seem to think that spray foam is a new-age type of insulation. It is new to a lot of people, but it is not new to the market. In fact, spray foam insulation has been around since the 1940s! But it has now started to gain popularity as a long-term and long-lasting option for insulation. It has benefits that come into play immediately and has become a popular choice amongst commercial builds

It’s Not Worth the Price

It is true that spray foam insulation will cost more than a conventional insulation, there is no hiding that. But the long-term benefits that spray foam brings homeowners offsets this initial price difference. Spray foam insulation can lower you’re your energy bills by up to 40%! That 40% of savings will add up fast over the course of the many years that you will have your spray foam installed.

It Has Many Health Risks 

Naturally when spraying anything that has chemicals involved, people want to know what health risks are possible. The truth is spray foam, after it is applied does not emit any dangerous for harmful fumes that you need to be worried about. The only time that fumes emitted are of concern is when actively applying the spray foam. That is why using a proper mask when installing spray foam is so important, because there are health risks but with the right mask they are no longer a problem.   

Prevents Pests

Many forms of insulation actually attract pests that you don’t want into your home. They are usually softer and make it possible for pests to chew through and to create nests inside of them. Spray foam insulation is a little bit different, because after it cures it becomes a hard surface. This doesn’t mean that spray foam prevents all pests though, it does stop the majority of insects. But rodents such as mice can still chew threw it, so it is not some sort of catch all pest control. But it still does a great job of making your house a little more pest free! 


What is Spray Foam Insulation and Why is it Popular in Winnipeg?


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